Cream of the Crop 26
Cream of the Crop 26.iso
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79 lines
package Pdapilot;
import java.io.*;
public class calls {
static public native int pi_close(int socket) throws IOException;
static public native int pi_socket(int domain, int type, int protocol) throws IOException;
static public native int pi_bind(int socket, String device) throws IOException;
static public native int pi_listen(int socket, int backlog) throws IOException;
static public native int pi_accept(int socket) throws IOException;
static public native int pi_version(int socket) throws IOException;
static public native int pi_tickle(int socket) throws IOException;
static public native int pi_watchdog(int socket, int interval) throws IOException;
static public native int pi_read(int socket, byte[] data, int len) throws IOException;
static public native int pi_write(int socket, byte[] data, int len) throws IOException;
static public native int dlp_OpenDB(int socket, int card, int mode, String name) throws DlpException;
static public native int dlp_DeleteDB(int socket, int card, String name) throws DlpException;
static public native int dlp_EndOfSync(int socket, int status) throws DlpException;
static public native int dlp_DeleteCategory(int socket, int handle, int category) throws DlpException;
static public native int dlp_CloseDB(int socket, int handle) throws DlpException;
static public native int dlp_AddSyncLogEntry(int socket, String entry) throws DlpException;
static public native String dlp_strerror(int error);
static public native java.util.Date dlp_GetSysDateTime(int socket) throws DlpException;
static public native int dlp_SetSysDateTime(int socket, java.util.Date date) throws DlpException;
static public native AppBlock dlp_ReadAppBlock(int socket, int handle, Database dbClass) throws DlpException;
static public native SortBlock dlp_ReadSortBlock(int socket, int handle, Database dbClass) throws DlpException;
static public native Pref dlp_ReadAppPreference(int socket, Char4 creator, int id, boolean backup, Database dbClass) throws DlpException;
static public native Record dlp_ReadRecordByIndex(int socket, int handle, int index, Database dbClass) throws DlpException;
static public native Record dlp_ReadNextModifiedRec(int socket, int handle, Database dbClass) throws DlpException;
static public native Record dlp_ReadNextModifiedRecInCategory(int socket, int handle, int category, Database dbClass) throws DlpException;
static public native Record dlp_ReadNextRecInCategory(int socket, int handle, int category, Database dbClass) throws DlpException;
static public native Record dlp_ReadRecordByID(int socket, int handle, RecordID id, Database dbClass) throws DlpException;
static public native Resource dlp_ReadResourceByType(int socket, int handle, Char4 type, int id, Database dbClass) throws DlpException;
static public native Resource dlp_ReadResourceByIndex(int socket, int handle, int index, Database dbClass) throws DlpException;
static public native int dlp_WriteRecord(int socket, int handle, Record record) throws DlpException;
static public native int dlp_WriteAppPreference(int socket, Pref pref) throws DlpException;
static public native int dlp_WriteResource(int socket, int handle, Resource resource) throws DlpException;
static public native int dlp_WriteAppBlock(int socket, int handle, AppBlock appblock) throws DlpException;
static public native int dlp_WriteSortBlock(int socket, int handle, SortBlock sortblock) throws DlpException;
static public native CardInfo dlp_ReadStorageInfo(int socket, int card) throws DlpException;
static public native int dlp_CreateDB(int socket, Char4 creator, Char4 type, int card, int flags, int version, String name) throws DlpException;
static public native int dlp_ResetSystem(int socket) throws DlpException;
static public native int dlp_OpenConduit(int socket) throws DlpException;
static public native UserInfo dlp_ReadUserInfo(int socket) throws DlpException;
static public native int dlp_WriteUserInfo(int socket, UserInfo info) throws DlpException;
static public native SysInfo dlp_ReadSysInfo(int socket) throws DlpException;
static public native NetInfo dlp_ReadNetSyncInfo(int socket) throws DlpException;
static public native int dlp_WriteNetSyncInfo(int socket, NetInfo info) throws DlpException;
static public native DBInfo dlp_ReadDBList(int socket, int card, int flags, int start) throws DlpException;
static public native int dlp_CleanUpDatabase(int socket, int handle) throws DlpException;
static public native int dlp_ResetSyncFlags(int socket, int handle) throws DlpException;
static public native int dlp_MoveCategory(int socket, int handle, int from, int to) throws DlpException;
static public native int dlp_DeleteRecord(int socket, int handle, boolean all, RecordID id) throws DlpException;
static public native int dlp_DeleteResource(int socket, int handle, boolean all, Char4 type, int id) throws DlpException;
static public native int dlp_ReadOpenDBInfo(int socket, int handle) throws DlpException;
static public native int dlp_ReadFeature(int socket, Char4 creator, int id) throws DlpException;
static public native RecordID[] dlp_ReadRecordIDList(int socket, int handle, boolean sort, int start, int max) throws DlpException;
static public native byte[] dlp_CallApplication(int socket, Char4 creator, int type, int action, byte[] argument, int[] retcode) throws DlpException;
static public native int dlp_ResetDBIndex(int socket, int handle) throws DlpException;
static public byte[] getByteArray(int length) { return new byte[length]; }
static public int getArrayLength(byte[] array) { return array.length; }
static public RecordID[] makeRecordIDArray(int length) { return new RecordID[length]; }
static public Object[] makeStringArray(int length) { return new String[length]; }
static public int[] makeIntArray(int length) { return new int[length]; }
static public boolean[] makeBooleanArray(int length) { return new boolean[length]; }
static public Object[] makeDateArray(int length) { return new java.util.Date[length]; }
static public int getObjectArrayLength(Object[] array) { return array.length; }
static {